Cintra does damage control upon fears of default

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July 21, 2011

Cintra responds in more detail about the financial shape of the Indiana Toll Road, North Tarrant Express, LBJ Express and other highway/toll projects

By Gordon Dickson
Ft. Worth Star Telegram

 In recent weeks, I spent some time researching and reporting on a story that ran in Sunday's Star-Telegram about the developer of the North Tarrant Express project encountering revenue problems on a similar toll project in Indiana. During that time, I repeatedly sought comment from the developer, and ultimately I got a response, although it was a rather brief email.

This afternoon, the developer, Cintra, posted additional thoughts on the topic in a news release, which I also received by email. The release includes quite a bit of new information about Cintra's financing of the projects, and its comfort level with their soundness. Since it's too late to get these thoughts into my story, I thought I'd at least post the press release here, so that readers will have access to the supplemental information.

This press release is from the Cintra U.S. headquarters in Austin. Cintra is a Spanish company  but now has significant operations in the United States.

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