Sparks fly at MPO as McNeil strips agenda item repudiating TxDOT's ad campaign

Link to YouTube video of the knock em out drag em out between David Leibowitz, Carlos Uresti, Tommy Adkisson and pro-toll, pro-TxDOT McNeil. Uresti finishes her off in this YouTube edition.

For those who believed the City Councilmembers when they claimed who was the next Chair of the MPO didn't have anything to do with tolls, today's MPO meeting blows a gaping hole through that notion. MPO Chair and City Councilwoman Sheila McNeil stripped an item from today's agenda AFTER the 72 hour open meetings minimum requirement! Representative David Leibowitz requested a vote to repudiate TxDOT's ad campaign and lobbying of Congress, and she wrote him a letter denying a vote but said she'd place it on the agenda and the Board oculd vote on whether or not to vote on it at the October meeting. Then she pulled a fast one at the last minute and pulled the item altogether!

State Senator Carlos Uresti came to Leibowitz' defense and caught McNeil in her contradictions as to the reason she stripped the item. Commissioner Tommy Adkisson also defended Leibowitz' right to place an item on the agenda. McNeil claimed unilateral authority to set the meeting agenda. She did her usual, "we can get together to talk about it" for anyone who disagrees with her or TxDOT in an attempt to silence all dissension.

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