Traffic on private toll roads takes a dive

Another indicator that P3s are a risky bet and instead of investors shying away from financing loser toll projects, these special interests are lobbying full-time to ensure taxpayers pick-up the tab for any losses -- which WILL come. They're setting up the next 'too big to fail.'

Drop in Traffic Takes Toll on Investors in Private Roads
By Ryan Dezember and Emily Glazer
Wall Street Journal
Nov. 20, 2013

Millions of motorists cross the Foley Beach Express toll bridge every year, many to hit Alabama's beaches. But traffic never reached the 10 million drivers that the bridge's investors were led to believe would be paying tolls in 2012.

The result is a familiar scenario to global investors who wagered on U.S. toll roads in the years before the financial crisis—and have since seen many of those bets fail.

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