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EVs, electric vehicles, Biden EV mandate

  • Link to article here.

    Biden's EV Plan Faces Opposition From Thousands of Car Dealers

    An open letter was signed by more than 3,800 dealerships across the country.

    By Jack Phillips
    Epoch Times
    November 28, 2023

    Several thousand car dealership owners around the United States have signed an open letter to the Biden administration, saying they oppose the aggressive push for electric vehicles, in another sign of growing concerns about the market for EVs.

    Since taking office, President Joe Biden has signed a number of executive orders to boost the sales of EVs amid proposed changes that seek to reduce the number of cars that produce emissions by 2032. In 2021, the president outlined a plan that seeks to have 50 percent of new vehicles be either plug-in hybrids or fully electric by 2030.
    But in an open letter published on Nov. 28, more than 3,800 auto dealers wrote that EV demand isn't sufficient, even as the dealers said they believe that EVs "are ideal for many people" and that "their appeal will grow over time."

    "The reality, however, is that electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with the large influx of BEVs [battery electric vehicles] arriving at our dealerships prompted by the current regulations," the dealers said. "BEVs are stacking up on our lots."

    They noted that in 2022, there was considerable "hype" around EVs and that "early adopters formed an initial line and were ready to buy these vehicles" as soon as they were being sold.

  • We highlight two articles below on this topic (one from Epoch Times, then one from Daily Wire) to give you more info on this sweeping rule that will affect your ability to buy, own, and drive a gas-powered car.

    Link to Epoch Times article here. Link to Daily Wire article here.

    EPA Issues ‘Strongest-Ever’ Auto Emissions Standards to Boost EVs

    The new rules exemplify the Biden administration’s aggressive green agenda, as climate change has been a top priority for the White House.
    By Jackson Richman
    Epoch Times

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued new rules on March 20 for automobiles aimed at cutting carbon emissions and boosting both hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs). The new regulations amount to the toughest-ever limits on tailpipe emissions, part of the Biden administration’s bid to accelerate the manufacture and adoption of EVs. This affects passenger vehicles, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles produced starting in 2027.

    The regulations, according to the EPA, would cut 7.2 billion tons of carbon emissions through 2055 in addition to providing “nearly $100 billion of annual net benefits to society, including $13 billion of annual public health benefits due to improved air quality, and $62 billion in reduced annual fuel costs, and maintenance and repair costs for drivers.”

    The EPA said that under its final rule, the industry could meet the limits if 56 percent of new vehicle sales are electric by 2032, along with at least 13 percent plug-in hybrids or other partially electric cars, and gasoline-powered vehicles that get more miles to the gallon.
    That would mean a huge increase over current EV sales, which rose to 7.6 percent of new vehicle sales last year, up from 5.8 percent in 2022.
  • Link to article here.

    Biden’s EV mandate likely to severely limit how many conventional vehicles automakers can produce

    Ford will need to build two fully electric F150s for every gas-powered F150. By 2032, the company will need to build four electric F150s for every gas-powered F150.
    By Kevin Killough
    March 30, 2024
    Just the News

    The Environmental Protection Agency has released its final tailpipe emissions standards, which some have called an electric vehicle mandate.

    “Make no mistake: This is a coerced phase-out of gas-powered cars,” the Wall Steet Journal editorial board recently opined on the final rules.

    The 1,181-page rule doesn’t require auto manufacturers to produce any electric vehicles, and the EPA insists the rule is not an EV mandate.

    “The standards continue the technology-neutral and performance-based design of previous EPA standards for cars, pickups, and vans,” the agency states in a March 20 press release.

    The rule sets limits on the total fleet emissions allowed from the companies’ vehicles, but the only way to meet the standards is for a manufacturer to, over time, appears be to make a large and growing portion of their vehicle lines electric.

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