Virtual Update with TURF & TTH Founder Terri Hall

Virtual Talk with Terri Hall
Our friends at Grassroots America - We the People asked us to do a transportation virtual update to their statewide network.
So we want to invite our TURF and Texans for Toll-free Highways supporters to tune in as well. Invite newbies to get the scoop on why they should care about what's going on with road policy.
Sneak peek: A bill has been filed to impose a state mileage tax! So plan to join us Monday to find out how to stop it.
Keep WOKE Off Our Roads,
Out of Our Cars & Wallets! 

This Legislative Briefing from Monday, March 13, was recorded so view it now.
Just 30 minutes of your time - a great investment to understand what is going on!
Terri Hall
Texans Uniting for Reform & Freedom
Texans for Toll-free Highways

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